Shreyas Mandre

University Associate Professor of Fluid-Structure Interaction
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

Precursors to splashing of a liquid droplet on a solid surface Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 134502 (2009) PDF

by Mandre, Mani and Brenner
Fluid Mechanics Droplet impact


A high velocity impact between a liquid droplet and a solid surface produces a splash. Classical work traced the origin of the splash to a thin sheet of fluid ejected near the impact point. Mechanisms of sheet formation have heretofore relied on initial contact of the droplet and the surface. We demonstrate that, neglecting intermolecular forces between the liquid and the solid, the liquid does not contact the solid, and instead spreads on a very thin air film. The interface of the droplet develops a high curvature and emits capillary waves.