Shreyas Mandre

University Associate Professor of Fluid-Structure Interaction
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge


It has been a privilege to work with a talented group of researchers, who hail from all walks of life. If you feel like you want to work with me, do read about our research and our publications. Do not hesitate to write to inquire about opportunities at any stage from schools to postdoctoral. Everyone is welcome to participate in scientific research.

Email me with a CV, a brief paragraph about qualifications, and expression of interest for more information.

I still strongly encourage qualified candidates to consider opportunities at the Warwick Mathematics Postgraduate Research page.

(Are you sure you want to pursue a PhD? Read this Modest Advice first.)

Prospective postdoctoral researchers are also encouraged to write and inquire about openings in the group.

Open PhD positions:

Open postdoctoral positions:

  • EPSRC Doctoral Prize     (Official advertisement with deadline: Jun 5, 2024.)

    EPSRC funds this prize for PhD students currently funded through EPSRC, who are near completion. Visit the link to see if you meet the eligibility criteria and to decide whether you want to pursue this opportunity. If you do, then the first step to take immediately is to identify a supervisor. (If my research interests you, write to me right-away. I have numerous research interests, so check my publications to determine if there is an overlap.)

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